Insertion success rate by PICC trained nursing personnel averages 99% compared to interventional radiology placed catheters.
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Vein Measurement by Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Nurses Using Ultrasound
Peripheral Canulation versus PICC
Advantages and disadvantages of PICC compared to central venous lines
Don't use that port: Insert a PICC
Proactive placement of peripherally inserted central catheters
Ultrasound-Guided arm ports, indications, techniques, and management
Outcomes of Using a Modified Seldinger Technique
Nurse-led PICC insertion
A Practical guide to safe PICC placement
Peripherally inserted central catheters in infants and children
Comparison of complications between pediatric PICC placement techniques
PICC complications in newborns depend on insertion site
Variables decreasing tip movement of peripherally inserted central catheters in pediatric patients
Eliminating PICC infections in a complex patient population
PICC in Pediatric patients: To repair or not repair
Tip Malposition in PICC
Breakage of a PICC line
What to do about PICC line problems
Evidenced-based systematic review of literature for the reduction of PICC line occulusions
Effects on INR levels on bleeding occurrences during the first 24 hours of ultrasound guided PICC insertion
PICC: The latest home care challenge
Experiences of the first PICC team