Responsibilities of an Apprentice
Within a Cognitive Apprenticeship, the apprentice will gain knowledge by solving real-world problems as it pertains to PICC Line insertions. Through this apprenticeship, learners will acquire critical thinking and problem-solving skills which will assist nurses with recognizing problems associated with PICC lines.
By the end of the apprenticeship, nurses should understand the importance of PICC line insertions and be able to implement line insertion into patients independently, without the assistance and guidance of a coach and mentor.
Training Learning Activities
By the end of this training:
Nurses will learn about the importance of a PICC line and when PICC insertion is necessary (Domain knowledge).
Through the use of technology-supported resources provided by the instructor, the learner will subject matter concepts, facts, and procedures.
Nurses will reflect on and articulate their performance compared to others in the training (Reflection & Articulation).
Reflections will be written through discussion posts and blogs on their experience learning about PICC lines and on their performance.
Nurses will outline the indications and contraindications for PICC insertion.
Nurses will discuss their difficulties with line insertion as well as their thought processes for determining whether a PICC line is required.
Nurses will observe the instructor modeling proper PICC line insertion techniques in a hospital or training lab.
Nurses will perform PICC line insertions on human patient simulators.
Nurses will compare chest x-ray films for proper tip position, outline site assessment and care.