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Responsibilities of an Apprentice

  • Within a Cognitive Apprenticeship, the apprentice will gain knowledge by solving real-world problems as it pertains to PICC Line insertions. Through this apprenticeship, learners will acquire critical thinking and problem-solving skills which will assist nurses with recognizing problems associated with PICC lines. 

  • By the end of the apprenticeship, nurses should understand the importance of PICC line insertions and be able to implement line insertion into patients independently,  without the assistance and guidance of a coach and mentor. 


Training Learning Activities 

  • By the end of this training: 

    • Nurses will learn about the importance of a PICC line and when PICC insertion is necessary (Domain knowledge). 

      • Through the use of technology-supported resources provided by the instructor, the learner will subject matter concepts, facts, and procedures. 

    • Nurses will reflect on and articulate their performance compared to others in the training (Reflection & Articulation). 

      • Reflections will be written through discussion posts and blogs on their experience learning about PICC lines and on their performance. 

      • Nurses will outline the indications and contraindications for PICC insertion. 

      • Nurses will discuss their difficulties with line insertion as well as their thought processes for determining whether a PICC line is required. 

    • Nurses will observe the instructor modeling proper PICC line insertion techniques in a hospital or training lab. 

    • Nurses will perform PICC line insertions on human patient simulators. 

    • Nurses will compare chest x-ray films for proper tip position, outline site assessment and care. 



© 2018 by MACRUSS VA Hosptial

Contact us:  Phone: 703-777-9311    Fax: 703-777-9312    email: Ed&Trng@

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